Thursday, April 30, 2009


30 days, 101 pages (plus title). Yay! I finished. I'm not sure this is the script I want to rewrite and get professional notes on. There are scenes from at least three different movies in it. I will set it aside for a while and come back to it after I work on some notes about a novel. Whew!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 29 PM: 96 pages

Looks like only 2 more pages, but really 2.5. I should be able to get 4 more in the morning. And that should be it for this month.

Day 29 AM: 94 pages

I'm pretty sure I can make it now. Was again discouraged on Monday. The story seemed to be trying to go in three directions at once, none of them good.

This morning I woke up with yet another change, but this one feels more right than any of the others and helped me put together a nice scene. I should be able to get a couple more tonight and count it done (until the rewrite).

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 27 AM: 91 pages

I did get 'caught up' over the weekend. I'm now on track to get over 100 pages by Thursday, if I just write 9 or 10 more in the next 3 days. I'd hoped for better, but I now know for certain that I did not do anywhere near enough work beforehand to pull together something close to a real story for this. My story line has now changed at least 4 times and I'm not 100% convinced that what I have planned now is really going to work either.

So, the plan of record is to squeeze out 3 or 4 more scenes, so I can say I 'won'. Then let it sit for a bit and work on some other stuff. Then get back into it and do a proper treatment before diving into the actual rewrite.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 25 PM: 82 pages

Bogging again. Slogged through two sessions of writing - most of the day - for only 5 pages. Thinking about what to do to at least cross the finish line (only 18 pages to go for that), considering I will probably have to toss 1/2 of what I've got anyway. I'll reconsider if I come with a doozy of a climax that will fit.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 24 AM: 76 pages

Things are becoming even clearer, as far as characters and motivations go. But I'm still foggy on the plot, especially the big showdown. I guess I'll figure it out when I get there.

Not much time left. Just figured out that I need 44 more pages in 6 more days in order to reach 120. That's about 7 a day. Not freakingly huge, but still scary. If I can knock out 24 or more over the weekend, things become more manageable. We'll see.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 22 AM: 71 pages

The rest of the plot is starting to gel a little. I'm still not 100% certain how to get from point A to point B, or even what point B is, but I'm still following the center line on the road, when I can see it through the fog. Filled in most of a missing scene from the beginning of Act 2.